Next the WCW made him become Oz, which was just a step above Master Blaster Steele. Again, he lost on a regular basis.
The final gimmick that WCW tried Nash in was the gambling Vinnie Vegas. Although he won a few more matches he was still viewed as a big loser.
Finally, Diesel was brought to the WWF to be Shawn Michaels's bodyguard. This is the character in which he found immense (thanks for the correction) success.
Title Won-WWF Intercontinental Championship. After his buddy Shawn Michaels lost a number of chances to win back the I-C title from Razor Ramon, Diesel was given the opportunity. Just a few weeks after Razor defeated Shawn in a thrilling ladder match at Wrestlemania X, Shawn got his revenge by taking the turnbuckle pad off and costing Razor the title. In the process, Diesel won his first strap.
Title Won-WWF Tag Team Championship. While still the I-C champion, Diesel went on a rampage. Teaming with Michaels, they defeated the Headshrinkers just a night before Summerslam '94 to become tag team champions.
Title Won-WWF World Championship. Just three days after dumping Shawn Michaels and the tag team titles, Diesel was given a world title shot against Bob Backlund. In his first match as a face, Diesel jacknifed and pinned Mr. Backlund in just 8 seconds to become the World Championship. This made him become the fastest man to reach the triple crown (Just 8 months) in WWF history.
Title Won-WWF Tag Team Championship. While still world champ, Diesel teamed with I-C champion Shawn Michaels to defeat the tag team champions, Yokozuna and British Bulldog (who was filling in for Owen Hart). They would be stripped the next day because of a technicality, however, and the belts would return to Yoko and Owen.