The Outbreak Dream Match
Taz vs. Sabu
This is the one every ECW fan has been waiting to see for a long time. The talking is almost done, Taz and Bill Alfonso just have a few things to say. Lets get to those pre-match interviews now.
Bill Alfonso, "My man Taz has been waiting for that coward Sabu for more than a year now. The time has finally come now Sabu, Taz is the man with no peers, and he's gonna choke you out!" (Whistle blows repeatedly). Taz then says, "Hey you chicken**** Sabu, there isn't gonna be any table warfare or chairs in this match. I've been waiting for this day for a long time, and if you don't think I'm gonna be at the top of my game, then you're gonna get your ass kicked that much quicker."
Well, they ramble on a little longer, but finally shut up. It's time for the ring introductions. First out is Taz and Bill Alfonso. Naturally, Mr. Alfonso takes the mic, "My name, is Bill Alfonso. And my man Taz is about to kick Sabu's ass." With that, the lights go dark. Chants of Sabu can be heard almost immediatly. Soon, the lights come back on, and much like November To Remember, no one is in the ring. However, Bill Alfonso is outside the ring, laying on the rubble of a broken table! Joey Styles comments on how it figures that when Bill finally gets what is coming to him, we don't get to see it. Suddenly, a ruckus is noticed in the crowd near one of the exits. Sabu and Taz are going at it! They both seem to want to get back to the ring, as they make their way to it.
After trading a number of holds with each other, Taz gets Sabu with a northern lights Tazplex. This finally breaks the stalemate they were having. Taz works over Sabu quickly and efficiently. He wasn't lying when he said he was ready. Taz is hitting moves like clockwork, and he has undisputed control of the match for nearly five minutes. Finally, Taz goes thr the Tazmission. Just as he is about to sink it in, Sabu gets him in some headscissors.
Sabu then flips him over and goes to the outside. He hits Taz with a somersault legrop as he comes back in. Now it appears that Sabu is in control, and it remains that way for about three and a half minutes. Fianlly, he goes outside in pursuit of a chair. He is met, however, by a big chair shot from the semi-conscious Bill Alfonso. Alfonso is relentless with that chair. He whacks Sabu a number of times before he tires out. Meanwhile, Taz has been inside the ring resting. He comes out and has his way with the man with no fears and no peers.
After bringing Sabu back into the ring, Taz cusses out a couple of fans. Sabu stands up and points to the sky, while the crowd starts to chant his name. After Sabu attacks the bewildered Taz, he goes out again in pursuit of a chair. He doesn't go back to the ring, though. Instead, he corners Bill Alfonso and nails him with the chair. Then, to everyone's delight, he takes the whistle and ties Bill to a pole with it. Bill is whining like a baby, but no one cares because Sabu is going back to the ring. Taz lets him in and says, "Now it's even, let's get it on!"
Both men seem to truly want it, and they put on a terrific show. A tazplex from Taz here, a springboard moonsault from Sabu there. Finally, Taz is the one who sets up a table. After it is set up, Sabu catches Taz by surprise with a hurricarana, and then lays him on the table. Then he heads back to the ring, sets up a chair, and points to the sky. He runs, bounces off the ropes, jumps off the chair, springboards...and crashes throught the table, Taz still occupying it.
Sabu points to the sky again, while chants of ECW! can be heard loud and clear. He throws Taz back into the ring and goes for the pin. One, Two, Kickout! Unbelievable, Joey Styles thinks Taz is unstoppable. The fans seem completely shocked. However, Sabu is only stunned for a moment. He picks up another chair and goes up to the top rope. From there, he hits the Arabian Face Buster with the chair, and goes for another cover. One, Two, Three! No kickout this time, Sabu is the winner! The fans go nuts, and Paul E. comes out to congratulate Sabu. The ring announcer then says that Sabu wants to acknowledge Taz for a terrific battle. Well, Taz slowly gets up and has the opportunity to shake Sabu's hand. Instead, Bill Alfonso, now free, attacks Sabu from behind with a frying pan and an iron. Taz then lays out Sabu, as he is taking on a stretcher. Taz remarks, "Shut the **** up you pieces of ****! Sabu cheated his ass off tonight! He didn't beat me! I beat him! Who left on the stretcher?
I ain't gonna waste my time with you all anymore tonight. See ya!" With that he leaves. Sabu got the pinfall, but he also got the Emergency Room. And Joey Styles reminds us that Taz kicked out after being put through a table. It looks like this one might not be over yet...
Here are some other Outbreak Dream Matches.
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